First, create the annotated list of runs by running one of the '' programs (, or
After running, either of the above programs will create a file called 'lgdCalibrations_XXXX.list', where XXXX will change from program to program.
The file will contain lines similar to what is shown below-
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12021 Cm 7284 Sun May 29 03:51:38 1994 586980 MPS Field: Full 1-3-3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12021 CmB 7298 Mon May 30 00:13:27 1994 509517 MPS Field: Full 1-3-3
this is what you see:
Now that you can look at the list of all runs and calibration groups, pick any calibration group that is not yet calibrated.
The order in which the groups are calibrated is not important- each group is calibrated independantly from all other groups.
For the purpose of this document, assume we will be calibrating group 12021.