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3. Where is the data?

Now we will copy the data that will be used to calibrate the LGD from tape to disk.

First we need to find on which tapes the data is located. Run:

lgdFindTapes.perl 12021

where 12021 is our calibration group number. The program will read the LGD calibration database (using calGroup-II), the tape database (using whichtape1), grok for a while and at the very end print something like this:

Save the strip database...
Tape: /tape12301.sdb, events: 174218 (  7284:174218)
Tape: /tape12302.sdb, events: 198389 (  7284:4486  7284:193903)
Tape: /tape12309.sdb, events: 842025 (  7282:241276  7298:77514  7298:307985  7299:46940  7299:145672  7301:22638)
Tape: /tape12310.sdb, events: 337151 (  7282:65047  7298:125251  7299:146853)
Tape: /tape12318.sdb, events: 209290 (  7284:209290)
Tape: /tape12319.sdb, events: 25754 (  7284:25754)
Group: 12021, Tapes: 6, Events: 1786827

which is the list of tapes that contain data from runs the are part of the LGD calibration group 12021.

The standard calibration procedure needs at least 2000000 (2 million) events to calibrate an LGD group. The total number of available events on the 6 tapes is 1786827 (last line of the 'lgdFindTapes.perl' output), so we will have to strip all the 6 tapes.

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