The DAQ Trigger

The DAQ Trigger interfaces 'experiment's trigger' with the Data Acquisition System. It tells the DAQ when and what type of trigger needs to be taken. The DAQ trigger logic implements the beam gate (using the AGS timing signals), 6 different types of triggers and provides the 'DAQ busy' and the 'slow enable' signals to the outside world. Each of the six triggers can be individually enabled or disabled using the 'loadTrigger' program (the 'other->set trigger' button in the DAQcontrol program).

The DAQ trigger logic is implemented in one LeCroy 2372 MLU, with a few NIM modules (NIM-ECL converters, flip-flops, one-shots and blinkenlights).

DAQ Trigger Types

The E852 DAQ code implements 8 different triggers. Each trigger is programmed to readout it's own set of Fastbus and CAMAC devices. The trigger type of any event can be found in the 'event->trigger' member of the event header (itape_header_t structure). Trigger 0 is BOS (Begin of spill or BSPI), trigger (-1) is EOS (end of spill or ESPI) with remaining triggers numbered from 1 through 6.

Internal and external signals

DAQ Trigger Parts

The DAQ trigger is made of the following parts:

Wiring diagram

                      LC 4616 NIM-ECL       LC 2372 MLU            Str136 Latch
                          |-----|            |-----|                 |-----|
beam gate (NIM level) --->|  1  |----------->|  0  |---> trigger --->|  0  |----> wires 0
 trigger1 (NIM pulse) --->|  2  |----------->|  1  |--->  type   --->|  1  |- through 6 are
 trigger2 (NIM pulse) --->|  3  |----------->|  2  |---------------->|  2  |- not connected
 trigger3 (NIM pulse) --->|  4  |----------->|  3  |- unused         |  3  |-
 trigger4 (NIM pulse) --->|  5  |----------->|  4  |---> SSP start ->|  4  |-
 trigger5 (NIM pulse) --->|  6  |----------->|  5  |-                |  5  |-
 trigger6 (NIM pulse) --->|  7  |----------->|  6  |-  5 through     |  6  |-
     enable EOS (ECL) --->|  8  |----------->|  7  |- 10 - unused    |  7  |----> enable EOS ---> wires 7
     enable BOS (ECL) --->|  9  |----------->|  8  |                 |  8  |----> enable BOS ---> through 15 loop
    enable Slow (ECL) --->| 10  |----------->|  9  |                 |  9  |----> enable Slow --> back into
    enable Fast (ECL) --->| 11  |----------->| 10  |                 | 10  |----> enable Fast --> the ECL-NIM-ECL
           busy (ECL) --->| 12  |----------->| 11  |---> busy ------>| 11  |----> busy ---------> converter
  not(SSP done) (NIM) --->| 12  |            |     |                 |     |
      SSP start (ECL) --->| 13  |------      | 12  |---> SSP start ->| 12  |----> SSP start ---->
                          | 14  |     |      | 13  |                 | 13  |
       BOS (from MLU) --->| 15  |     |      | 14  |---------------->| 14  |----> BOS (feed through)
       EOS (from MLU) --->| 16  |     |      | 15  |---------------->| 15  |----> EOS (feed through)
                          |-----|     |      |-----|                 |-----|
                              Master SSP start

Note0: On the LC 4616 device, the pins are numbered starting from one. On the MLU and Latch, the inputs
       (bits) are numbered from zero (the usual convention - bit0 through bit15).
Note1: the (ECL) 'busy' and (NIM) 'not (SSP done)' signals are or'ed on the NIM-ECL coverter pin 12.

MLU programming

The MLU is operating in 'transparent' mode. The latch is operating with the gate always open and is reset by the master SSP.


  • When the 'busy' signal is ON, all the MLU output are OFF.

    beam gate

  • When the 'beam gate' is ON, the 'BOS enable' is ON and 'busy' is OFF, the MLU generates a BOS trigger.
  • When the 'beam gate' is OFF, the 'EOS enable' is ON and 'busy' is OFF, the logic generates an EOS trigger.


  • When one and only one of the trigger inputs is ON and ('enable Slow' or 'enable Fast' are ON) and 'busy' is OFF, a trigger is generated. When a trigger is generated, the MLU sets the trigger type bits, and turns the 'busy' and the 'SSP start' outputs ON.

    Related files

    $E852DAQROOT/bin/loadDaqTrigger       - load and configure the LC2372 MLU.
    $E852DAQROOT/init/mlu_daqTrigger.perl - the MLU program macrogenerator
    $E852DAQROOT/bin/write2372            - the MLU loader
    man mlu_logic

    For additional information please contact me (Const Olchanski)

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