How to create a RAM-file from scratch

There is Master-script to control all the steps of the RAM-file creation-process, called RAM_Master.perl. It is located in the ~kuhnj/bin directory. All one has to do is run this program and it will do all the steps for you!
Take a look at how the performace of this script should look like!

Description of the programs used in the creation-process:

Step 1:
Create the Kaon Fourvectors and the vertex-positions

program: ~kuhnj/852_source/itape/kaon_4vecs

Options to be specified:

Step 2:
Convert to itape-format

program: ~kuhnj/852_source/itape/mkitp_kaon

Options to be specified:
-K1 (for use with Kplus)
-K0 (for use with Kminus - default)

Step 3:
Create the RAMchannels

program: SaGen

Options to be specified:
-o@"~kuhnj/852_source/esr/ramView (ramView-commandline-options)"

ramView-options to be specified:
-K1 (for use with Kplus)
-K0 (for use with Kminus - default)

NOTE: This step is the most time-consuming part of the creation-process. To speed it up it is strongly recommend to use it with the Dispatcher.

Step 4:
Add the different RAMchannelFiles together

program: ~kuhnj/852_source/Ram/add_RAM

Options to be specified:
-M1 (to add H9-RAMchannels - default)
-M0 (to add TPX1-RAMchannels)

NOTE: Make sure that you do not mix the RAMchannelFiles for Kplus and Kminus!

Step 5:
Fill the holes

program: ~kuhnj/852_source/Ram/dentist_RAM

Options to be specified:
-M1 (to fill holes in the H9-RAM - default)
-M0 (to fill holes in the TPX1-RAM)
-K1 (for use with Kplus - default)
-K0 (for use with Kminus)

1) The OutputFile contains ONLY THE RAM-POSITIONS OF THE HOLES!!!
2) To ensure complete filling of the RAMFiles, rerun dentist_RAM on the sum of the RAMchannelFile and the OutputFilename (use add_RAM to get the sum) until the output is an empty file.

Step 6:
Add the RAMchannelFiles for the Kminus and the Kplus for the H9- and TPX-RAM

program: ~kuhnj/852_source/Ram/add_RAM

Options to be specified:
See Step 4

Step 7:
Convert to the RAM-format

program: ~kuhnj/852_source/Ram/convert_RAM

Options to be specified:
-M1 (to convert the H9-RAM - default)
-M0 (to convert the TPX1-RAM)