X X X Y at Z at angle angle at upper at middl at lower bottom bottom of top of bottom paddle left left left of top of top paddle paddle paddle X, center Y, apex Z, apex no. wrt HEUB wrt HEUB wrt HEUB paddle paddle no. (degrees) (degrees) of apex wrt ground wrt front wrt horiz wrt horiz of c9 1 -56.562 -55.875 -56.437 899.863 23.856 1 58.0 56.4 -45.54 -0.069 2 -50.437 -49.687 -50.375 899.909 23.747 2 56.8 56.2 -39.38 -0.023 3 -44.250 -43.562 -44.187 899.909 23.919 3 58.0 56.4 -33.20 -0.023 4 -38.000 -37.312 -38.000 899.933 24.106 4 58.0 56.6 -26.98 0.001 5 -31.875 -31.125 -31.875 899.916 24.200 5 58.0 57.0 -20.79 -0.016 6 -25.687 -24.937 -25.687 899.891 24.278 6 58.0 57.0 -14.54 -0.041 7 -19.500 -18.625 -19.500 899.872 24.372 7 58.0 56.8 -8.35 -0.060 8 -13.312 -12.562 -13.312 899.909 24.278 8 58.0 56.6 -2.26 -0.023 9 -7.125 -6.437 -7.125 899.857 24.200 9 58.0 57.4 3.93 -0.075 10 -0.937 -0.187 -0.937 899.857 24.215 10 57.5 57.0 10.09 -0.075 11 5.125 5.875 5.125 899.844 24.169 11 57.5 56.8 16.24 -0.088 12 11.375 12.125 11.437 899.908 24.044 12 57.5 56.8 22.43 -0.024 13 17.562 18.250 17.562 899.873 24.028 13 57.0 56.2 28.59 -0.059 14 23.750 24.437 23.750 899.885 23.887 14 57.0 56.4 34.74 -0.047 15 30.000 30.562 30.000 899.876 23.919 15 57.5 56.4 40.90 -0.056 16 36.187 36.750 36.187 899.915 23.981 16 58.0 56.6 47.09 -0.017 42.250 42.937 42.375 average -7.156 -6.469 -7.031 899.889 24.075 average 57.7 56.7 0.77 -0.043