E852 Documentation: Charged Particles Reconstruction
E852 Documentation: Charged Particles Reconstruction
Notice: This page is currently under construction...
MonteCarlo studies
Below I am placing the results of the montecarlo studies
of the charged particles reconstruction software.
The results are organized by different geometries: 0-2-2, 1-3-3, etc...
and maybe different reactions used in the simulations.
All the results were obtained using 'ideal' pattern recognition, that is,
the pattern recognition data was generated directly by the montecarlo program (SaGen).
The following histograms are available:
- 4DC - four drift chambers (the Summer-1993 configuration)
- 6DC - six drift chambers (the Summer-1994 configuration)
- dvx, dvy, dvz - The errors on the vertex position in X,Y and Z
- dp-p - The scatter plot of the error on the momentum (dp) versus the momentum (p)
- dpp - The relative error on the momentum (dp/p)
- dpp-short - dp/p for short tracks
- dpp-long - for long tracks
- dpp-recoil - and for the missing momentum
- dp2-recoil - is the error on the square of the missing momentum
(important component of the error on the missing mass)
Below is the list of avaliable geometries-
end file//by Const Olchanski