Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate Talk and Poster Contest
If you wish to submit a poster or give a talk at SESAPS 2012, please submit your abstract at the APS website. If you are not a member of the American Physical Society (required for abstract submission) and do not intend to join at this time, please ask a faculty member at your institution to submit your abstract, listing you as the presenting author.
SESAPS will offer a prize of a boxed set of Feynman's Lectures each for "Best Undergraduate Poster" or "Best Undergraduate Oral Presentation." If you wish to have your submission judged for either prize during the meeting, please indicate this by typing "Undergraduate Poster" or "Undergraduate Oral Presentation" in the Special Instructions box on the APS Abstract Submission page
Note: Posters should be NO LARGER THAN 4' x 3' (or 3’ x 4’). Push pins will be provided at the conference site.