

Information for Speakers

Invited Papers

Invited papers at this meeting, as in all APS meetings, are given by experts in areas selected by the Program Committee, and these talks are usually of 25 to 30 minutes duration. Contributed papers, however, are on topics of the author's choice and are ten minutes in length. In the week following the abstract deadline, all papers are organized into sessions and the sessions into the program of the meeting. Some of the contributed abstracts are of such interest that the committee will INVITE THE AUTHOR(S) to give a SPECIAL PAPER of twenty minutes duration on the topic of their abstract at the beginning of the contributed paper session to which their talk is assigned. There will only be a few such papers selected. The invitations will be listed in the printed program of the meeting and will be verified promptly by mail to the authors. If the author(s) would like to be considered for such an invitation, they are asked to type the following statement in the special instructions box: If invited to do so, the author is willing to expand the talk for the above abstract to twenty minutes.

Contributed Papers

The scientific sessions will take place at The Double Tree Hotel. All meeting rooms will be equipped with LCD projectors and speakers are required to use electronic projection. You may use your laptop for driving the projector. However, in order to save setup time, it is strongly preferred that speakers use the conference computer for presentation. We recommend that you bring the electronic file for your presentation either on a CD or a memory stick. All speakers using electronic projection in contributed talk sessions should plan to arrive at the meeting room at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the session to check that the technology will work with minimum delay between speakers.

Questions about the facilities, equipment, or program should be directed to (TBA).